Unveiling the Intriguing Contrast: Thanksgiving vs. Christmas Cactus

Difference Between Thanksgiving and Christmas Cactus
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Thanksgiving cactus has scalloped stem segments, while Christmas cactus has smooth stem segments. Both cacti belong to the Schlumbergera genus and are known for their colorful flowers that bloom during the holiday season.

These cacti are popular indoor plants that require similar care, but they have distinct differences in appearance. The Thanksgiving cactus has stem segments with pointed, scalloped edges, giving it a more delicate and ornate look. On the other hand, the Christmas cactus has stem segments with smooth edges, giving it a more rounded and robust appearance.

Despite these differences, both cacti are easy to grow and can be a beautiful addition to your holiday décor.

Thanksgiving Cactus

Thanksgiving Cactus, scientifically known as Schlumbergera truncata, is a popular plant that adds a vibrant touch to any holiday season. This unique cactus is native to the rainforests of Brazil, where it grows as an epiphytic plant, meaning it attaches itself to other plants for support rather than directly rooting in the soil. Often mistaken for Christmas Cactus, Thanksgiving Cactus has its distinct characteristics that set it apart.


The Thanksgiving Cactus has a segmented stem with flattened, blade-like projections. These projections are often serrated or toothed, giving the cactus a unique appearance. The leaf edges also have small bristles or hairs along the margins.

This cactus comes in various colors, including shades of pink, red, purple, and white. The flowers usually have elongated petals that curve backward, giving them a more pointed appearance compared to the rounded petals of the Christmas Cactus.

Blooming Time

The Thanksgiving Cactus earns its name from the time it typically blooms, which is around Thanksgiving in North America. However, the actual blooming period can extend from late October to early December. During this time, the cactus produces beautiful, eye-catching flowers that last for several weeks.

Care And Maintenance

Maintaining a healthy and thriving Thanksgiving Cactus requires specific care. Here are a few essential tips to keep in mind:

  1. Light: Place the cactus in bright indirect light, avoiding intense sunlight. Too much direct sunlight can lead to scorching of the leaves and flowers.
  2. Temperature: The ideal temperature range for Thanksgiving Cactus is between 60-70°F (15-21°C). Avoid exposing the plant to extreme cold or hot temperatures.
  3. Watering: Allow the soil to dry partially between waterings. Overwatering can cause root rot, while underwatering can lead to wilting and flower drop. Maintain a consistent watering schedule.
  4. Humidity: The Thanksgiving Cactus thrives in moderate to high humidity levels. Placing the cactus on a tray filled with water and pebbles can help increase humidity.
  5. Fertilization: Feed the cactus with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer during the growing season, following the package instructions for proper dilution.
  6. Propagation: Thanksgiving Cactus can be propagated through stem cuttings. Simply take a healthy segment of the stem, allow it to dry for a few days, and then plant it in moist well-draining soil.

By understanding the distinctive characteristics, blooming time, and how to care for a Thanksgiving Cactus, you can enjoy a remarkable plant that brings festive cheer to your home during the holiday season.

Unveiling the Intriguing Contrast: Thanksgiving vs. Christmas Cactus

Credit: www.stephaniehathawaydesigns.com

Christmas Cactus

The Christmas Cactus, scientifically known as Schlumbergera, is a popular succulent that is native to the coastal mountains of Brazil. It is characterized by its unique segmented leaves and vibrant flowers that bloom during the holiday season. Unlike other cacti, the Christmas Cactus has a smooth appearance and lacks the typical thorns or spikes.

Characteristics Of Christmas Cactus:

1. Segmented Leaves: The leaves of a Christmas Cactus are flat and elongated, with distinct segments that join together to create a cascading effect. This gives the plant a unique, decorative appearance.

2. Flower Buds: One of the most striking features of a Christmas Cactus is its abundance of flower buds. These buds vary in color, ranging from shades of pink, red, or white, and often have a bell-like shape.

3. Leaf Color: The color of the leaves can vary depending on the amount of light the plant receives. In general, the leaves are a vibrant green, but they can turn lighter or darker depending on the conditions.

4. Texture: Unlike the spiky texture of traditional cacti, the Christmas Cactus has smooth and glossy leaves. This unique texture adds to the appeal of the plant and makes it a favorite among succulent enthusiasts.

The Christmas Cactus gets its name from its tendency to bloom during the holiday season, specifically around Christmas time. The blooming period typically starts in late November or early December, and the flowers can last for several weeks if provided with the right care.

Factors Affecting The Blooming Time Of A Christmas Cactus:

1. Light Exposure: The Christmas Cactus needs a period of darkness, usually around 12 to 14 hours, in order to trigger blooming. Exposing the plant to bright light during this period may delay or prevent blooming.

2. Temperature: Cooler temperatures, around 60-65°F (15-18°C), can help initiate bud formation and promote blooming. Avoid exposing the plant to extreme temperatures, as it may cause the buds or flowers to drop prematurely.

3. Watering: Proper watering is crucial for the Christmas Cactus to bloom. It’s important to keep the soil evenly moist, but not waterlogged. Overwatering or allowing the plant to sit in standing water can inhibit blooming.

4. Fertilization: Providing the Christmas Cactus with a balanced fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer) can help promote healthier growth and more abundant blooms during the flowering period.

Caring for a Christmas Cactus is relatively easy, making it an ideal choice for both novice and experienced gardeners.

Here are some tips to keep your Christmas Cactus healthy and thriving:

Christmas Cactus Care Tips:

  1. Light: Place your Christmas Cactus in a bright spot with indirect sunlight. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can cause leaf burn.
  2. Temperature: Keep the plant in a room with temperatures between 60-75°F (15-24°C). Avoid placing it near drafts or heat sources.
  3. Watering: Water your Christmas Cactus thoroughly when the top inch of soil feels dry. Ensure good drainage to prevent waterlogged roots.
  4. Humidity: Maintain moderate humidity levels around the plant by placing it on a tray filled with pebbles and water. This will provide additional moisture and prevent dryness.
  5. Pruning: Prune your Christmas Cactus after blooming to remove any dead or damaged segments. This will help maintain a neat and compact shape.
  6. Propagation: Christmas Cacti can be easily propagated by stem cuttings. Simply cut a healthy segment, let it dry for a day or two, and then place it in moist soil.

By following these care tips, you can enjoy the beauty of your Christmas Cactus for many holiday seasons to come.


Thanksgiving and Christmas cacti are commonly mistaken for each other due to their similar appearances, but they do have some noticeable differences. Let’s explore these differences in terms of their appearance, blooming time, and ideal growing conditions.


Thanksgiving and Christmas cacti have distinct characteristics that allow them to be easily differentiated.

  • Thanksgiving cacti have flattened leaf segments with pointy teeth along the edges, resembling pincers, while Christmas cacti have rounded and scalloped leaf segments.
  • The leaves of Thanksgiving cacti are typically bright green, while the leaves of Christmas cacti are darker and more vibrant.

Blooming Time

When it comes to blooming time, Thanksgiving and Christmas cacti live up to their names.

  • Thanksgiving cacti usually bloom around, you guessed it, Thanksgiving, which falls in late November.
  • On the other hand, Christmas cacti bloom a bit later in the holiday season, often in December, just in time for Christmas.

Ideal Growing Conditions

Understanding the ideal growing conditions for these cacti can help ensure their health and longevity.

Thanksgiving CactusChristmas Cactus
Prefers slightly cooler temperaturesThrives in warmer temperatures
Requires more frequent wateringTolerates drier soil and less watering
Needs a period of darkness for bud formationDoes not require a period of darkness for bud formation
Thrives in bright, indirect lightTolerates lower light conditions

While both cacti share some growing preferences, such as well-draining soil and occasional fertilization, it’s important to consider these specific differences to create an optimal environment for each plant.


Frequently Asked Questions For Difference Between Thanksgiving And Christmas Cactus


What Is The Difference Between Thanksgiving And Christmas Cactus?

Thanksgiving and Christmas Cactus are different species of plants that bloom at different times. Thanksgiving Cactus typically blooms in November while Christmas Cactus blooms in December. The main difference is in the shape of their stem segments, with Thanksgiving Cactus having pointed teeth and Christmas Cactus having rounded teeth.


Understanding the distinction between Thanksgiving and Christmas cacti is essential for any plant enthusiast. While both belong to the same family, their blooming periods, leaf shape, and care requirements vary significantly. By recognizing these differences, you can ensure you provide the appropriate care and enjoy their beautiful blooms during the right time of year.

Embrace the unique qualities of these plants and create a vibrant and festive atmosphere in your home all year round.

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